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Kit of 3 X ILFORD Delta 100 135/36 35mm film + ADOX FX-39 TYPE II 100 ml concentrate + ADOX ADOFIX Plus Express Fixer BABY 100 ml concentrate expired 07/2024
This article is a kit of individual products that go well together in combination because FX-39 delivers excellent results with the Delta films. FX-39 is easy to use and the developer is forgiving of minor exposure errors.
The quantities are matched
You only have to click once and you will receive the following items:
- 3 X ILFORD Delta 100 135/36 35mm film.
- ADOX FX-39 TYPE II 100 ml concentrate
- ADOX ADOFIX Plus Expressfixer BABY 100 ml concentrate
The individual descriptions of the contents follow:
ILFORD Delta 100 135/36 35mm film
ILFORD DELTA 100: Sensitivity ISO 100/21°.
The Delta range is Ilford's flagship product. Core-Shell™ crystals provide excellent sharpness, very high resolving power and finest grain at high speed. Good definition of the negatives. The Delta 100 has even slightly better resolution and contour sharpness than the Ilford PanF+. On the other hand, the PanF+ is somewhat finer grained. The Delta 100 outperforms the T-Max 100 and Acros II 100 in terms of contour sharpness in many developers, as well as all films with a conventional crystal structure in this sensitivity class.
The Delta 100 can be controlled very well with different developers: In Ilford DD-X, for example, it delivers a very linear blackening curve, and in compensating developers such as ADOX ATOMAL or ADOX FX-39 II a blackening curve with a flattening curve in the highlights. Technically one of the best films in Ilford's film portfolio.
ADOX FX-39 TYPE II 100 ml concentrate
FX-39 is a legend.
Geoffrey Crawley spent 40 years recreating and refining various formulations to deliver this masterpiece in the heyday of analogue photography.
FX-39 is based on Willi Beutler's Neofin Red, but has been improved in all parameters. For about 10 years, the formula has been further developed by ADOX.
FX-39 has a balancing effect, works very detailed and sharp with excellent resolution and uses the film speed very well. The balancing effect is excellently controllable over a very wide range via dilution and can be precisely adjusted to the subject contrast and film type used.
There is basically only one reason not to work exclusively with FX-39 and that is fine grain.
If you only pay strict attention to fine grain, you will get a finer grain with fine grain developers such as ADOX ATOMAL. FX-39 in particular harmonises excellently with all low- and medium-sensitivity films. In the ISO 400/27° class FX-39 shows best results with Kodak Tri-X, T-Max 400, Ilford Delta 400 and Neopan 400. If required, FX-39 can also be used for speed-increasing development by one f-stop (doubling the nominal speed).
ADOX has been producing this developer since 2004.
Geoffrey Crawley was here in person during his lifetime and helped transfer the recipe.
Technical data:
500ml developer concentrate.
Standard dilution: 1+9 "one-shot" application (one-time developer).
High dilution: 1+19 "one-shot" application (one-time developer) to increase the levelling capacity while extending the development time by 75%.
In this case, the sensitivity utilisation decreases somewhat. So you can "trade" sensitivity for equalising capacity within limits.
FX-39 has been considerably improved in the durability of the concentrate by ADOX and production now takes place at ADOX in Switzerland.
The new TYPE II has a better shelf life than TYPE I with the same development times.
FX-39 has been significantly improved in the shelf life of ADOX's concentrate and production now takes place at ADOX in Switzerland. The new Type II has a better shelf life than TYPE I with the same development times. It can now also be transported at colder temperatures, e.g. in an aeroplane.It can now also be transported at colder temperatures, e.g. in an aeroplane.
Technical data:
100ml developer concentrate
Dilution: 1+9 "one-shot" application (one-time developer)
High dilution: 1+19 "one-shot" application (one-time developer) to increase the equalising capacity while extending the development time by 75%. In this case, the sensitivity utilisation drops to nominal sensitivity. So you can "exchange" sensitivity for equalising capacity within limits.
ADOX ADOFIX Plus Express Fixer BABY 100 ml concentrate
Based on Agefix formula.
Plus is a little more complex in its formulation than "standard" ADOFIX which has a particular effect on the buffer system. It therefore lasts a little longer and also stands longer in the tray.
BABY series for small users and beginners.
Fixer for at least 8 films or 2sqm photo paper (depending on tank volume, blackening).
Environmentally friendly, as smallest container can be adapted to individual consumption characteristics.
Fixing bath for all b/w photo materials.
High-performance express fixer with maximum capacity for black and white photo papers (PE and baryte), films and sheet film. Suitable for processing in photo trays, tins and machines. With one litre of concentrate you can make up to 10 litres of ready-to-use solution.
Dilution 1+4 to 1+9.
Capacity: 1.4-2 sqm photo paper or 6-10 films per litre of solution at 1+9
Bottle with 100ml content
General shelf life recommendation for liquid fixer baths: Liquid fixer bath concentrates can be stored unopened for up to 2 years.
After opening, they should be used within 3 months.
If precipitation or a sulphurous odour occurs, the fixing bath concentrate can no longer be used.
Der analoge Film feiert ein Überraschungs Comeback. Auch im digitalen Zeitalter hat sich auch um den analogen Film eine Schar von treuen Fans gebildet.. Wir bieten Filme für analoge Kameras, Foto-Systeme und Sofortbild Kameras an. Auch grössere Aufträge werden schnell bedient und ausgeliefert. Offizieller Vertriebspartner von ADOX, Cinestill, FOMA, Fujifilm, Ilford, Kodak und Polaroid. Versandkosten sind für Economy GRATIS und für Priority Fr. 8.90 in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein. Für Verpackung und Abfertigung zu decken berechnen wir Fr. 2.-.
Hallo TopFoto
Als begeisterter Analog Fotograf bin ich glücklich dass es TopFoto gibt. Alles wichtige ist bei ihnen erhältlich. Ich hoffe noch lange.Bestellungen werden prompt ausgeführt. Was will man noch mehr. Ich gebe fünf Sterne.
Freundliche Grüsse
Guido Pellicioli
Mit der Abwicklung der Bestellung sowie mit dem Ilford Ilfolux bin ich sehr zufrieden. Ich wünschte auch, dass mehr Firmen ihren Kubdeb diese Möglichkeit gewährten, ihnen in freier Form Lob oder Kritik zu schicken.
alles perfekt.Ich bin immer wieder überrascht über die Schnelligkeit der Lieferung und die Verfügbarkeit der Artikel.Auskünfte betreffend Artikeln werden auch am Wochenende beantwortet.Meine bezogenen Mengen sind zwar klein, da die Fotografie nicht mein Beruf ist, aber ich bin froh einen Ort zu kennen, wo ich die benötigten Materialien zuverlässig finden kann.
Der analoge Film feiert ein Überraschungs Comeback. Auch im digitalen Zeitalter hat sich auch um den analogen Film eine Schar von treuen Fans gebildet.. Wir bieten Filme für analoge Kameras, Foto-Systeme und Sofortbild Kameras an. Auch grössere Aufträge werden schnell bedient und ausgeliefert. Offizieller Vertriebspartner von ADOX, Cinestill, FOMA, Fujifilm, Ilford, Kodak und Polaroid. Versandkosten sind für Priority Fr. 8.90 in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein. Für Verpackung und Abfertigung zu decken berechnen wir Fr. 2.-.
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09:00 - 17:00 Uhr